Random Practise - 26th June 2022

Today we attended a practise session at Hooton Park Kart Track mainly because we missed last weekends race. 


The forecast was warm with a slight chance of rain and high wind speeds 


We ran our usual 75-76 tooth sprocket and 11-9 psi throughout the day although at the last session we went up to 12psi and a 79 tooth sprocket which gave similar results to our other runs through the day


 As there was not many people on as it was only a Sunday practice after the cars the day before there were many sessions on track so plenary of time out.

Session one I set nothing amazing a high 37 as I was getting used to it for the day and similarly with session 2 and 3 although working down to 37 flat. Towards midday when the weather became warmer and the track grippier  we worked down to a 36:7 and then plateaued with getting quicker.

We made numerous changes to the kart at the time yet not gave a major time difference. On the session due to the weather one session was wet but rain came halfway through so for the last 2 laps we were getting n ice skates which was experience  but undriveable in those conditions, luckily it dried fairly quickly for our next race our 3rd to last session was a eventful one too having started towards the back I had gained on a group of karts which I made a few very good and elegant dive bombs on. Yet when it came to the last in the group coming out of the double left hander I had the quicker exit but was wide instead of backing of I stayed but they started squeezing me of the track but before then I clipped tiger back tyre and bent my steering colum which was a easy fix and simple to bend back
